How Long Do Lip Injections Last

How Long Do Lip Injections Last?

EAU Claire
Are you dreaming of fuller, more luscious lips? You’re not alone! The popularity of lip injections has been on the rise as people seek to enhance their natural beauty. However, one common question that often arises is this: how long do lip fillers last?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discuss facial filler durability to provide you with all the information you need. Read on before getting your treatment!

How do lip fillers work?

Lip fillers are a non-surgical cosmetic treatment designed to enhance the volume and shape of the lips. They can add fullness, definition, and symmetry to your pout, giving you that desired plump look. Overall, lip fillers are effective anti-aging treatments that deliver real results.

There are different types of lip fillers available, but two popular options are hyaluronic acid-based (HA fillers) and collagen-based fillers.
HA fillers like Juvederm and Restylane work by attracting water molecules to the injection site, resulting in increased volume. Meanwhile, collagen-based fillers such as CosmoDerm and CosmoPlast use bovine collagen to achieve similar effects.
But how long do lip injections last? When it comes to longevity, HA fillers tend to have an edge over collagen-based ones. Also, HA fillers generally last anywhere from 6-12 months before needing touch-ups. On the other hand, collagen-based fillers may last around 3-6 months.

Factors Affecting Lip Filler Durability

The duration of lip injections isn’t solely dependent on the type of filler used. Overall, several individual factors can influence how long they last.
So how long do lip fillers last for? Here are the usual aspects that impact the lifespan of your lip fillers:

1. Metabolism

The rate at which your body metabolizes the lip filler can impact how long it lasts. Also, individuals with faster metabolisms may break down the filler more quickly compared to those with slower metabolisms.
It’s important to note that while metabolism does impact lip filler longevity, there are other significant factors to consider as well. This includes the type and quality of the filler used, injection technique, and individual lifestyle habits.

2. Natural aging process

As we age, our bodies produce less collagen and hyaluronic acid, the natural substances that enhance the plumpness of our lips. In turn, this natural decrease in production can affect the longevity of lip fillers.
Moreover, as we age, our facial muscles can weaken and lose their tone. This muscle atrophy can affect how lip fillers appear in terms of shape and projection. Over time, the dynamic movements of the lips may also cause some redistribution or displacement of the filler material.

3. Lifestyle choices

Certain habits can influence how long lip injections last. Smoking, for example, can accelerate the breakdown of collagen and negatively impact the durability of lip fillers.
Aside from that, excessive sun exposure without protection can also contribute to premature aging and the breakdown of fillers.
Also, your diet has a big part in how long lip fillers will last. For example, when you are dehydrated, your skin may appear dull, which can affect the appearance of your lips. Drinking an adequate amount of water daily helps support healthy skin and may contribute to better outcomes with lip fillers.

4. Aftercare

Proper aftercare plays a crucial role in maintaining the durability of lip fillers. This is why following your practitioner’s instructions for post-treatment care is essential.
Moreover, this may include avoiding aggressive facial treatments or excessive pressure on the lips. You should also practice good oral hygiene to prevent bacterial infections around the treatment area.

5. Product quality

The quality of the lip filler product used directly affects its longevity. So if you’re planning to get this treatment, make sure you choose a reputable brand and provider to get long-lasting results.
Aside from ensuring longevity, getting quality fillers is also a matter of safety. This will save you from botched injections that will do more harm than help.

6. Injection technique

The skill and technique of your injector also play a significant role in how long lip injections last. An experienced practitioner who understands proper injection techniques can ensure that the filler is placed correctly and evenly.
Aside from maximizing the lip filler effects, proper injection also ensure that the substance won’t migrate to other areas. This will give you a perfect pout without adverse reactions.

7. Individual response

Every individual has a unique reaction to lip fillers. This means there is some degree of variation in how long they last from person to person.
Factors such as individual biology, immune response, and genetics affect how the body reacts to the filler.

Average Duration of Different Types of Lip Fillers

Before you get your lip fillers, it’s important to know what type you’re receiving and how long it will last. Here’s a quick rundown of the most popular options in the market:

a.) Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers

HA fillers like Juvederm and Restylane are among the most popular choices for lip augmentation. These fillers provide excellent results with a natural-looking finish. On average, HA fillers last between 6-12 months before a touch-up or retreatment is necessary.
Still, it’s important to note that individual experiences may vary due to factors we discussed earlier. Factors like metabolism, the natural aging process, and lifestyle choices can influence how long HA fillers actually last.

b.) Collagen-Based Fillers

Collagen-based fillers such as CosmoDerm and CosmoPlast are less common compared to HA fillers due to advancements in technology. These fillers typically last around 3-6 months before requiring touch-ups or retreatment.
While collagen-based fillers may not have the longevity of HA fillers, they still provide satisfactory results for temporary lip enhancement.

Tips for Prolonging Lip Filler Lifespan

If you’re looking to make your lip injections last as long as possible, here are some practical tips:
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet can contribute to overall skin health and potentially prolong your lip fillers.

  • Stay hydrated.

Drinking plenty of water keeps your lips and skin hydrated, preventing them from drying out.

  • Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking.

These habits can negatively impact collagen production, potentially reducing the longevity of your lip fillers.

  • Protect your lips from sun damage.

Use a lip balm with SPF to shield your lips from harmful UV rays, which can accelerate the breakdown of lip fillers.

  • Maintain good oral hygiene.

Poor oral hygiene practices can increase the risk of infection around the injection site. This could directly affect how long your lip filler lasts.

  • Avoid excessive pressure on your lips.

Try not to put too much pressure on your lips, such as biting or excessively rubbing them together. This can cause premature disintegration of the filler material.

By following these simple tips, you can help extend the lifespan of your lip fillers and maintain that beautiful pout for longer. It will also help speed up your lip filler recovery time after the treatment.

Signs That Lip Fillers Are Fading

Lip fillers gradually break down over time, and it’s essential to recognize the signs when they start to fade. Here are some common indicators that your lip fillers may be diminishing:
  • Loss of volume.

Your lips may begin to appear less plump and lose their previous fullness.

  • Asymmetry.

Uneven distribution or dissipation of filler material can result in asymmetry between the upper and lower lips.

  • Decreased plumpness.

The overall size and shape of your lips may change as the filler begins to dissipate.

  • Return of natural lip lines.

If you start noticing a recurrence of wrinkles around your lips, it could indicate that your fillers are fading.

If you notice any of these signs, you can contact your injector to inquire about touch-up treatments. This way, you can maintain your plump lips and potentially need fewer filler units.

The importance of choosing an experienced injector

Selecting a qualified and reputable practitioner is crucial when considering lip injections. The skillful injection techniques can significantly impact the durability and overall outcome of your lip fillers.
To find a reliable practitioner, you should do the following:
  • Check qualifications.

Ensure that they have appropriate medical certifications and training in cosmetic procedures.

  • Read reviews.

Look for testimonials or reviews from previous patients to gauge their expertise and customer satisfaction.

  • Ask for before-and-after photos.

Request examples of their work to assess their skill level in achieving results you like.

  • Request a consultation first.

Reliable lip filler injectors will not hesitate to give you a free consultation before signing up for the treatment. This shows that they care for you and the results you want to achieve.

By choosing an experienced practitioner, you increase the likelihood of achieving long-lasting results with minimal risks or complications. It will also ensure excellent results in every injection.

Potential side effects and risks

Like any cosmetic procedure, lip injections carry potential side effects and risks that you should be aware of. While most individuals tolerate lip fillers well, it’s essential to understand the potential risks before undergoing any treatment.
Common side effects may include:
  • Swelling.

Mild to moderate swelling around the injection site is normal and usually subsides within a few days.

  • Bruising.

Bruising at the injection site can occur due to minor trauma during the procedure but typically resolves within a week or two.

  • Allergic reaction.

Although rare, some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to the filler material used. Don’t worry because reliable injectors will perform an allergy test to prevent this problem.

Overall, it’s crucial to consult with a medical professional before making any decisions regarding lip injections. They can assess your individual suitability for the procedure and provide personalized advice based on your specific needs.

How long do lip injections take to heal?

Overall, lip fillers are non-invasive and will not require an intensive recovery period. Still, you have to wait for a few days to see the full results of the treatment.
So how long are lips sore after fillers? You should expect your lips to feel sore right after the procedure. This will persist for the next 24 to 48 hours, when you need to observe proper care. To soothe the discomfort, you can apply an ice pack around the lips, but avoid pushing it directly on the treatment area.
Moreover, you should know that bumps or lumps are normal after lip filler injections. But how long do bumps last after lip injections? Same with swelling, this may linger for a few days and resolve on its own.
Over the next few days, the redness and swelling should subside. You’ll also notice your lips taking a plump and fuller shape.
However, if you notice something unusual, you should contact your injector right away. This way, any complications can be prevented before it gets worse.

How long do lip fillers take?

Another question our clients ask is this: how long do lip fillers take? On average, you can expect your appointment to last between 30 minutes to an hour. This is why lip fillers are also dubbed “lunchtime treatments” since they can be done fast and without serious downtime.

However, you should also know that the duration of your lip filler appointment depends on a few factors. The extent of the procedure and the condition of your lips can make the process longer. In some cases, injectors may take up to two hours to finish the procedure.


How long lip injections last varies depending on multiple factors, including filler type, metabolism, the natural aging process, and lifestyle choices. On average, most fillers will last for 3 to 12 months – longer with touch-ups.
To prolong the durability of your lip fillers, practicing good aftercare is vital. This includes maintaining overall health through exercise and proper hydration. You should also avoid lifestyle habits that degrade collagen production like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Also, you need to protect your lips from sun damage using SPF lip balm.

If you want to know more about lip fillers, Eau Claire Body Care is here to help. Our licensed injectors will give you a free consultation to assess your desired results. Rest assured that we never overfill, so you’ll get natural-looking results without the harsh side effects.

Feel free to book an appointment today and we’ll see you in our office!
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